Out Of The Ashes

An Uprising Of Dystopian Fiction…

“If you are around long enough the stories you read, or watch, or listen to are distant. Until they become close.”

Possibly none more so than tales of dystopian fiction, which saw a rise in readership with the release of The Hunger Games books, and the wave of popularity has only gained momentum with the success of The Handmaids Tale television series.

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Crib Notes-Spring Sneak Peek

Crib Notes - Spring Sneak Peek

I always have a running list of books I am looking forward to reading, its essential for a voracious reader such as myself. Rarer are the ones I am really excited about; that I put in my calendar to ensure I pick it up at the bookstore the day of release, that I carve out a block of time in my schedule to start reading. These books fall into that category!

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I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

Well Behaved Woman Seldom Make History…

I have been referred to as many things in my life; small but mighty, a ball buster, a machine, and a kraken. All literally, figuratively or factually true given a particular set of circumstances. I have been told not to take it personally, that I am over thinking it, and a slew of other vaguely insulting and patently condescending platitudes intended to manifest as a physical pat on the head meant to send me on my merry way.

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