Run Away - Harlan Coben

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Rating: 8.5/10

Pulse pounding, fast moving, adrenaline rush of a book! If you could imagine the film John Wick, which I am not using as a reference due entirely to my crush on Keanu Reeves, and flip it to book form, that would give you a hint of how this authors books play out.

Mostly ordinary people sucked into a vortex of utterly unbelievable circumstances that propel them headlong into life and death situations. Are you required to leave the logic center of your brain at the door, absolutely. Are you going to care, or even notice? Absolutely not.

As with all Cobens books, you have the solid upstanding lead character, the new friends he makes along the way that provide the sassy and wise banter, and those in his life with secrets. The names change, the secrets differ, and the thrills are unique; but the constant is always a highly entertaining read.

Footnote: The sheer number of jaw dropping twists is impressive; fictional escapism at its best!