My Lovely Wife - Samantha Downing

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Rating: 8/10

A drawback that one must except in reading mysteries with any kind of frequency is that you might see the end coming. It’s a rarefied occurrence when you don’t, and it leaves you feeling you’ve won some sort of literary lottery! And sometimes you see the destination but cannot figure out how the author is going to get you there. An equal treat, and one a little more uncommon. This book is a clever and tautly written example of the latter.

You know the old adage; you can never really know another person? Well this story takes that to another level. The couple at the center of this tale decide they need to spice up their marriage and choose a very unconventional way to do so. These two are undeniably depraved and you likely won’t be able to look away. Think Mr. & Mrs. Smith, but with no interest in the greater good!

100% guilty pleasure, 100% fiction…fingers crossed!

Footnote: Gives a whole new meaning to…happy wife, happy life!