The Hitchcock Hotel - Stephanie Wrobel
Rating: 7/10
Alfred Smettle is not your average Hitchcock fan. He is the owner of the Hitchcock Hotel, a striking and rather creepy place dedicated to the Master of Suspense. Where every room has been transformed with memorabilia and guests are offered round the clock screenings of Hitchcock’s films.
Can I get a reservation please?
To celebrate the hotel’s first anniversary, Alfred has invited the members of his college film club for a reunion. He has meticulously planned every detail and spared no expense. Nothing but the best for his former best friends.
Shocker (read in sarcastic tone), one of them turns up dead. As the police start interviewing the guests and staff, the reader gets their first taste of the secrets each has been keeping. And the lies they have been telling. To the host, to each other, and yes, to the police. It’s a maelstrom of deceit and wickedness. The good stuff!
The author layers in many of the motifs that Hitchcock films were famous for; a fan will delight in this! Since we are talking about him, I felt it only fair to provide a list of his best films.
“Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.” Alfred Hitchcock.
Hitchcock Films – Top 20…there are over 50!
Notorious (1946) > Cary Grant & Ingrid Bergman
Rear Window (1954) > Jimmy Stewart & Grace Kelly
Strangers On A Train (1951) > Farley Granger & Robert Walker
Psycho (1960) > Anthony Perkins & Janet Leigh)
Vertigo (1958) > Jimmy Stewart & Kim Novak
Rope (1948) > John Dall & Farley Granger
North By Northwest (1959) > Cary Grant & Eva Marie Saint
To Catch A Thief > Cary Grant & Grace Kelly
Dial M. For Murder (1954) > Grace Kelly & Ray Milland
Suspicion (1941) > Joan Fontaine & Cary Grant
Rebecca (1940) > Laurence Olivier & Joan Fontaine
The Birds (1963) > Tippi Hedren & Rod Taylor
Marnie (1964) > Tippi Hedren & Sean Connery
Shadow Of A Doubt (1943) > Joesph Cotton & Teresa Wright
The 39 Steps (1935) > Robert Donat & Madeline Carroll
The Lady Vanishes (1938) > Margaret Lockwood & May Whitty
Torn Curtain (1966) > Paul Newman & Julie Andrews
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1966) > Jimmy Stewart & Doris Day
Notorious (1946) > Cary Grant & Ingrid Bergman
Family Plot (1976) > Bruce Dern & Karen Black
Book Pairing(s): Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel, The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudendorf, The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse