The Short Drop - Matthew Fitzsimmons

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Rating: 7.5/10

I felt about this character the same way I did when I first came across Jack Reacher of the Lee Child novels. Then they ruined him for me by casting Tom Cruise in the film, more on that in the footnote. I love a flawed lead (aka “bad boy”) and Gib is that and more. He’s an unemployed master hacker, (not type cast as a nerdy teenager, going to show that old people are smart too), on the trail of solving a ten-year-old mystery. You will find yourself routing for him and wanting to fix his boo-boos. You know, if that’s your thing.

I’m not going to tell you what a short drop is, but it serves as a metaphor for many of the story elements in the book. And who doesn’t love a good metaphor?

Footnote: Now is as good a time as any for me to let you know that I am VERY fussy and opinionated about casting choices based on books I have read. It’s a subject on which I am prone to rant, so consider yourself warned.