Taste: My Life Through Food - Stanley Tucci


Rating: 9/10

I wasn’t looking for another reason to love Stanley Tucci, and then I read this!

Growing up in an Italian family, the percentage of lineage of no consequence whatsoever; it’s going to start loud and get louder.  The food will be abundant, the cooking will be nonstop, the debates about meals will be heated and you had best bring a hearty appetite.  Or suffer the “Look”.  And for god’s sake don’t say yes to a glass of wine!  It will be “garage” wine and it might put you off the stuff forever. As it did me until I discovered the joys of Sangria!

Tucci’s book was a hilarious reminder of all the absurdities of dining at the Italian Table.  Where only an act of God would provide you with a simple school lunch such as a peanut butter sandwich.  Or as we liked to call it, “sang-wich”. Where if you are brave enough to bring a friend over for a meal and they request butter for their bread, the looks of horror were comical. And the exit?  Prepare to be bamboozled by the hostess who says, I’m just going to give you a few…insert name of food stuff…and end up going home with enough food for days!

And then we have the sins that cannot be committed; unless the one devouring the delicious bounty is too young to know better, no cutting of pasta is acceptable.  Not ever.  And don’t get me started on the folding of the pizza!  A particular peeve of mine! 

An utterly charming and delightful trip through both Italy and the Italian Table.  Family recipes included!

I laughed deeply from my belly, wishing it was full to bursting with my Nonna’s cooking!

Book Pairing(s): Save Me The Plums by Ruth Riehl, In The Weeds by Tom Vitale, A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost