Strike Me Down - Mindy Mejia
Rating: 8.5/10
Nora catches thieves as a forensic accountant, having unearthed millions of dollars of fraudulent schemes over the years. With her latest high-profile client, she finds herself thrust onto the front lines of crimes that involve not only money, but blood as well. With 20 million dollars at stake and the world of kickboxing as a backdrop for this story, you can bet on the adrenaline levels being high.
The characters in this book spend much of their time dodging the truth and tamping down festering resentments. Money and the desire to hang on to it, or secure more of it by any means necessary really brings out the worst in people. It’s not for nothing that greed is one of the seven deadly sins!
This was one of those reads you can find yourself wanting to gulp down in one ravenous sitting. I’ve seen a few of these corporate suspense novels in recent months and I can only hope more are on the way.
Footnote: If you are a regular to my website, you know I am a numbers girl. So, you can imagine how charmed I was by the opening passage of this novel…
“Numbers, like people, have no inherent quality. Their value lies only in their relation to others and what they represent. It’s the counter that weaves a story into the numbers, a narrative combining quantity and quality, fact and fiction.”
And so, this story began…