Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered - Georgia Hardstark & Karen Kilgariff

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Rating: 7/10

If you’ve listened to their wildly popular podcast, My Favorite Murder, it won’t come as a surprise that these ladies are swift with the snappy turn of phrase. You will try to resist laughing out loud at what seems like a hugely inappropriate topic, but resistance is futile!

The book is more about them than it is about crime, but they do structure it around lessons learned from their podcast. Written as a conversation between friends, offering random tangents and complete with asides and sidebars, this was an entertaining read.

One of the key tips from the girls is fuck politeness. How many times have you felt uneasy, or threatened, or condescended to and said or did nothing? Why, because we don’t want to be considered a bitch? Or rude? Or potentially ostracized? Time to let go of the reverence we have for the opinions of others to the determent of ourselves. In other words, fuck politeness!

Also, along the way we get some great one liners; “life is not a three-camera sitcom, you don’t have to have a take.”

Footnote: Paul Giamatti does some hysterically funny voice overs! My favourite being the top three swear words. The worst being the “c” word, which he calls the Voldemort of expletives.